Best Free Graphic Design and Photo Editor

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Photo editor, animation and design.

Welcome to Pixlr, the No 1 in photo editing and design tools. Edit photos and create stunning designs right in your browser, on your phone or desktop for free. Start from an empty canvas, a photo, a video or select one of our professionally crafted templates.

Photo editor and editing, learn more..

Design Templates

Start designing from professionally crafted templates! Create a YouTube banner, Instagram story, resume, brochure, business card, presentation or the perfect sales pitch with a growing library of thousands of stunning and free templates.

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Animate any design in just a few clicks with Pixlr. Use professional-looking animation presets or get into the gritty timeline details and capture your audience in way that simple images just can't.

Remove background

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Transform your photos into artistic visuals with a variety of creative photo filters. Achieve the desired photo effects effortlessly in easy clicks!

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Best Free Graphic Design and Photo Editor


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