When England Gained Control of New York From the Dutch, What Happened to African-americans?

Erstwhile British colony in N America (1664–1776)

Province of New York


Flag of New York


Seal of the Province of New York, 1767 of New York

Seal of the Province of New York, 1767

Map of the Province of New York

Map of the Province of New York

  • Colony of England (1664–1707)
  • Colony of Great Great britain (1707–1776)
Upper-case letter New York
Common languages English, Dutch, Iroquoian languages, Algonquian languages
Regime Constitutional monarchy

• 1664–85

Charles 2

• 1685–88

James Ii

• 1688–1702

William & Mary

• 1702–14


• 1714–27

George I

• 1727–60

George II

• 1760-76

George 3
Royal Governor

• 1664–1776

List of colonial governors of New York
Legislature Quango

• Upper house

New York Executive Council

• Lower house

New York General Assembly

• Capture of New Amsterdam

August 28, 1664

• Annunciation of Independence

July iv, 1776

• Treaty of Paris

September 3, 1783
Currency New York pound
Preceded by Succeeded by
New Netherland
New York
Vermont Republic
Today part of
  • United states of america
  • New York
  • Vermont

The Province of New York (1664–1776) was a British proprietary colony and later on imperial colony on the northeast coast of Due north America. As i of the Middle Colonies, New York achieved independence and worked with the others to plant the United States.

In 1664, during the 2d Anglo-Dutch War, the Dutch Province of New Netherland in America was awarded by Charles 2 of England to his brother James, Duke of York. James raised a fleet to have information technology from the Dutch and the Governor surrendered to the English language fleet without recognition from the Dutch West Indies Company that had authority over it. The province was renamed for the Duke of York, as its proprietor.[1] England seized de facto command of the colony from the Dutch in 1664, and was given de jure sovereign control in 1667 in the Treaty of Breda and again in the Treaty of Westminster (1674). It was not until 1674 that English common police was applied in the colony. The colony was 1 of the Middle Colonies, and ruled at first straight from England. When the Duke of York ascended to the throne of England every bit James II, the province became a royal colony.

When the English arrived, the Dutch colony somewhat vaguely included claims to all of the nowadays U.South. states of New York, New Jersey, Delaware and Vermont, along with inland portions of Connecticut, Massachusetts and Maine in improver to eastern Pennsylvania. Much of this land was presently reassigned by the crown, leaving the territory of the modern Land of New York, including the valleys of the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers, and time to come Vermont. The territory of western New York was disputed with the indigenous Iroquois Confederacy, and also disputed betwixt the English language and the French from their northern colonial province of New France (mod eastern Canada). The province remained an of import armed services and economical link to Canada throughout its history. Vermont was disputed with the Province of New Hampshire to the eastward.

The revolutionary New York Provincial Congress of local representatives causeless the regime on May 22, 1775, alleged the province the "Country of New York" in 1776, and ratified the first New York Constitution in 1777. During the ensuing American Revolutionary State of war the British regained and occupied the strategic port and harbor of New York Boondocks in September 1776, using it as its military and political base in British North America;[2] [3] though a British governor was technically in office, much of the balance of the upper part of the colony was held by the insubordinate Patriots. British claims in New York were ended by the Treaty of Paris of 1783, with New York establishing its independence from the crown. The terminal evacuation of all of New York past the British Ground forces was followed by the return of General George Washington's Continental Regular army on November 25, 1783, in a g parade and celebration.

Geography [edit]

This British crown colony was established upon the former Dutch colony of New Netherland, with its cadre being York Shire, in what today is typically known as Downstate New York.

Counties [edit]

The Province of New York was divided into twelve counties on November 1, 1683, by New York Governor Thomas Dongan:

  • Albany County: all of the region that is now northern and western New York. Also claimed the area, later disputed, that is now Vermont. In improver, equally at that place was no fixed western border to the colony (a bounding main-to-sea grant), Albany County technically extended to the Pacific Ocean. Most of this land, which was Indian land for most of the province's history, has now been ceded to other states and nigh of the land within New York has been divided into new counties.
  • Cornwall County: that part of Maine betwixt the Kennebec River and the St. Croix River from the Atlantic Ocean to the St. Lawrence River. Ceded to the Province of Massachusetts Bay in 1692.
  • Dukes County: the Elizabeth Islands, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket Island east of Long Island. Ceded to Massachusetts in 1692.
  • Dutchess County: at present Dutchess and Putnam counties.
  • Kings Canton: the current Kings County; Brooklyn.
  • New York County: the current New York County; Manhattan.
  • Orange Canton: now Orange and Rockland counties.
  • Queens Canton: now Queens and Nassau counties.
  • Richmond County: the electric current Richmond County; Staten Island.
  • Suffolk County: the electric current Suffolk County.
  • Ulster Canton: at present Ulster and Sullivan counties and part of what is now Delaware and Greene counties.
  • Westchester County: now Westchester and Bronx counties.

On March 24, 1772:

  • Tryon County was formed out of Albany Canton. It was renamed Montgomery County in 1784, with a later sectionalization to Herkimer County around Fiddling Falls.
  • Charlotte County was formed out of Albany County. It was renamed Washington Canton in 1784.

History [edit]

In 1617 officials of the Dutch West India Company in New Netherland created a settlement at present-day Albany, and in 1624 founded New Amsterdam, on Manhattan Island. New Amsterdam surrendered to Colonel Richard Nicholls on Baronial 27, 1664; he renamed it New York. On September 24 Sir George Carteret accepted the capitulation of the garrison at Fort Orange, which he chosen Albany, after some other of the Knuckles of York'south titles.[4] The capture was confirmed past the Treaty of Breda in July 1667.

Easing the transition to British dominion, the Articles of Capitulation guaranteed certain rights to the Dutch; among these were: freedom of conscience in divine worship and church discipline, the continuation of their own community concerning inheritances, and the application of Dutch law to bargains and contracts fabricated prior to the capitulation.[5]

Proprietary government (1664–1685) [edit]

In 1664, James, Duke of York, was granted a proprietary colony which included New Netherland and present-day Maine. The New Netherland claim included western parts of present-day Massachusetts (to an extent that varied depending on whether the reference was united states General claim of all lands as far east as Narragansett Bay or the Treaty of Hartford negotiated past the English and Dutch colonies in 1650 only not recognized by either the Dutch or English governments) putting the new province in conflict with the Massachusetts charter. In general terms, the charter was equivalent to a conveyance of land conferring on him the right of possession, control, and regime, subject only to the limitation that the authorities must exist consistent with the laws of England. The Duke of York never visited his colony and exercised footling straight control of it. He elected to administer his authorities through governors, councils, and other officers appointed by himself. No provision was fabricated for an elected associates.

Also in 1664, the Duke of York gave the office of his new possessions betwixt the Hudson River and the Delaware River to Sir George Carteret in substitution for settlement of a debt.[6] The territory was named after the Island of Jersey, Carteret's ancestral habitation.[7] The other department of New Bailiwick of jersey was sold to Lord Berkeley of Stratton, who was a close friend of the Duke. Every bit a result, Carteret and Berkeley became the two English language Lords Proprietors of New Bailiwick of jersey.[8] [9] The Province of New Jersey was created, but the border was not finalized until 1765 (see New York-New Jersey Line War). In 1667, territories betwixt the Byram River and Connecticut River were split off to become the western half of Connecticut.[ten]

The first governor Richard Nicolls was known for writing "The Duke's Laws" which served as the outset compilation of English language laws in colonial New York.[v] Nicholls returned to England after an administration of three years, much of which was taken up in confirming the ancient Dutch land grants. Francis Lovelace was next appointed Governor and held the position from May 1667 until the render of the Dutch in July 1673.[4] A Dutch fleet recaptured New York and held information technology until it was traded to the English by the Treaty of Westminster. A second grant was obtained by the Duke of York in July 1674 to perfect his title.

Upon conclusion of the peace in 1674, the Duke of York appointed Sir Edmund Andros as Governor of his territories in America.[4] Governor Edmund Andros in 1674 said "permit all persons of what faith soever, quietly to inhabit within the precincts of your jurisdiction"[11] Even so, he made the Quakers of W Jersey pay toll on the Delaware, simply they practical to England and were redressed.[12] He was followed by Colonel Thomas Dongan in 1682. Dongan was empowered, on the advice of William Penn, to summon "...a general assembly of all the freeholders, by such persons they should choose to stand for them to consult with you and said council what laws are fit and necessary to exist fabricated..."[5]

A colonial Assembly was created in Oct 1683. New York was the final of the English colonies to have an associates.[ citation needed ] The assembly passed the Province of New York constitution on October 30, the first of its kind in the colonies.[ citation needed ] This constitution gave New Yorkers more than rights than any other grouping of colonists including the protection from taxation without representation.[ original inquiry? ] On November 1, 1683, the government was reorganized, and the land was divided into twelve counties, each of which was subdivided into towns. Ten of those counties nonetheless exist (meet in a higher place), just two (Cornwall and Dukes) were in territory purchased past the Duke of York from the Earl of Stirling, and are no longer within the territory of the State of New York, having been transferred by treaty to Massachusetts. While the number of counties has been increased to 62, the blueprint nonetheless remains that a town in New York State is a subdivision of a county, similar to New England.[ citation needed ]

An act of the associates in 1683 naturalized all those of foreign nations and so in the colony professing Christianity. To encourage immigration, it as well provided that foreigners professing Christianity may, after their inflow, be naturalized if they took the oath of allegiance as required.[ commendation needed ]

The Duke's Laws established a non-denominational state church.[ commendation needed ]

The British replaced the Dutch in their alliance with the Iroquois confronting New French republic, with an agreement chosen the Covenant Chain.

Regal province (1686–1775) [edit]

In 1664, afterward the Dutch ceded New Netherland to England, it became a proprietary colony nether James, Knuckles of York. When James ascended the throne in February 1685 and became Rex James II, his personally owned colony became a imperial province.[13] [14]

In May 1688 the province was fabricated part of the Dominion of New England. Even so, in April 1689, when news arrived that Rex James had been overthrown in the Glorious Revolution, Bostonians overthrew their government and imprisoned Dominion Governor Edmund Andros. The province of New York rebelled in May in what is known as Leisler's Rebellion. King William's War with France began during which the French attacked Schenectady. In July, New York participated in an bootless assail on Montreal and Quebec. A new governor Henry Sloughter arrived in March 1691. He had Jacob Leisler arrested, tried, and executed.

New York'southward charter was re-enacted in 1691 and was the constitution of the province until the cosmos of the Country of New York.

The offset newspaper appeared weekly in 1725.

During Queen Anne'south War with France from 1702 to 1713, the province had petty involvement with the armed services operations, but benefited from being a supplier to the British fleet. New York militia participated in two abortive attacks on Quebec in 1709 and 1711.

Black slaves [edit]

In the 1690s, New York was the largest importer of the colonies of slaves and a supply port for pirates. The black population became a major element in New York City, and on big upstate farms.[15]

New York sold these slaves using slave markets, giving slaves to the highest bidder at an auction.

With its shipping and trades, New York had use for skilled Africans as artisans and domestic servants. Two notable slave revolts occurred in New York in 1712 and 1741.[16]

The numbers of slaves imported to New York increased dramatically from the 1720s through 1740s. By the 17th century, they established the African burial basis in Lower Manhattan, which was used through 1812. Information technology was discovered nearly two centuries after during earthworks earlier the structure of the Ted Weiss Federal Building at 290 Broadway. Historians estimated xv,000-twenty,000 Africans and African Americans had been buried in the approximately viii acres surrounding at that place. Because of the extraordinary find, the government deputed a memorial at the site, where the National Park Service has an interpretive eye. It has been designated a National Historic Landmark and National Monument. Excavation and study of the remains has been described as the "most important historic urban archaeological project undertaken in the United States."[17]

Dutch [edit]

The Van Bergen farm, 1733, virtually Albany, New York[xviii]

When the British took over, the great majority of Dutch families remained, with the exception of government officials and soldiers. Notwithstanding, new Dutch arrivals became very few. While the netherlands was a minor country, the Dutch Empire was quite large, meaning that emigrants leaving the mother country had a broad diverseness of choices under full Dutch control. The major Dutch cities were centers of loftier culture, just they sent few immigrants. Virtually Dutch arrivals to the New World in the 17th century had been farmers from villages who on arrival in New Netherland scattered into widely separated villages that had piffling cross contact with each other. Even inside a settlement, different Dutch groups had minimal interaction. With very few new arrivals, the consequence was an increasingly traditional organisation cut off from the forces for change. The folk maintained their popular culture, revolving around their language and their Calvinist organized religion. The Dutch brought along their own sociology, nearly famously Sinterklaas (which evolved into the modern day Santa Claus). They maintained their distinctive clothing and nutrient preferences. They introduced some new foods to America, including beets, endive, spinach, parsley, and cookies. After the British takeover, the rich Dutch families in Albany and New York City emulated the English language elite. They purchased English furniture, silverware, crystal, and jewelry. They were proud of the Dutch language, which was strongly reinforced through the church building, but they were much slower than the Yankees in setting up schools for their children. They finally did set upward Queens College (at present Rutgers Academy) in New Jersey. They published no newspapers, and published no books and only a handful of religious tracts annually.[xix] [20] [21] [22]

Germans [edit]

Nearly ii,800 Palatine German language emigrants were transported to New York by Queen Anne's government in ten ships in 1710, the largest single group of immigrants earlier the Revolutionary State of war. By comparing, Manhattan then had only vi,000 people. Initially, the Germans were employed in the production of naval stores and tar forth the Hudson River nigh Peekskill. In 1723 they were allowed to settle in the fundamental Mohawk Valley due west of Schenectady as a buffer against the Native Americans and the French. They as well settled in areas such as Schoharie and Red Valley. Many became tenant farmers or squatters. They kept to themselves, married their own, spoke High german, attended Lutheran churches, and retained their own customs and foods. They emphasized subcontract ownership. Some mastered English to become conversant with local legal and business organization opportunities.[23]

Male monarch George's War [edit]

This province, as a British colony, fought against the French during King George's War. The associates was determined to command expenditures for this war and merely weak support was given. When the call came for New York to help raise an expeditionary forcefulness against Louisburg, the New York associates refused to raise troops and only appropriated a token £three,000.[24] The assembly was opposed to a significant war effort because it would interrupt trade with Quebec and would result in college taxes. The French raid on Saratoga in 1745 destroyed that settlement, killing and capturing more than i hundred people. After this attack the assembly was more than generous and raised 1,600 men and £twoscore,000.[25]

French and Indian War [edit]

Upstate New York was the scene of fighting during the French and Indian War, with British and French forces contesting control of Lake Champlain in association with Native American allies. Sir William Johnson, 1st Baronet, and other agents in upstate New York brought near the participation of the Iroquois. The French and their Indian allies laid siege to Fort William Henry at the southern end of Lake George in 1757. The British forces surrendered to the French, but many prisoners were and so massacred by the Indians. Some prisoners had smallpox, and when Indians took the scalps to their home villages, they spread a disease that killed large numbers.[26] In the end the British won the war and took over all of Canada, thereby ending French-sponsored Indian attacks.

One of the largest impressment operations occurred in New York in the bound of 1757 when three thousand British troops cordoned off the city and impressed nearly eight hundred persons they plant in taverns and other gathering places of sailors.[27] New York was the centre for privateering. Forty New York ships were commissioned as privateers in 1756 and in the spring of 1757 it was estimated the value of French prizes brought into New York was ii hundred thousand pounds. By 1759, the seas had been cleaned of French vessels and the privateers were diverted into trading with the enemy. The ending of the war caused a astringent recession in New York.

Sir William Johnson, 1st Baronet, negotiated an end to Pontiac's Rebellion. He promoted the Proclamation of 1763 and the Treaty of Fort Stanwix to protect the Indians from further English settlement in their lands. The treaty established a purlieus line along the Due west Co-operative Delaware River and the Unadilla River, with Iroquois lands to the w and colonial lands to the east.[28]

Political parties [edit]

During the eye years of the 18th century, politics in New York revolved around the rivalry of two great families, the Livingstons and the De Lanceys. Both of these families had amassed considerable fortunes. New York City had an inordinate influence on New York province politics because several of the assembly members lived in New York City rather than in their commune. In the 1752 ballot, De Lanceys' relatives and close friends controlled 12 of the 27 seats in the assembly. The De Lanceys lost control of the assembly in the election of 1761. Governor Cadwallader Colden tried to organize a popular party to oppose the groovy families, thus earning the hatred of the city elite of both parties. The Livingstons looked to the imperial ties every bit a means of controlling the influence of James De Lancey. The De Lanceys regarded imperial ties to exist a tool for personal reward.[29]

Stamp Act [edit]

Parliament passed the Stamp Act 1765 to raise coin from the colonies. New York had previously passed its own stamp human action from 1756 to 1760 to enhance money for the French and Indian war. The extraordinary response to the Stamp Deed can only be explained by the build-up of antagonisms on local issues.[30] New York was experiencing a astringent recession from the effects of the finish of the French and Indian war. The colonies were experiencing the effects of a very tight monetary policy caused by the merchandise deficit with Uk, a fiscal crisis in Britain restricting credit, and the Currency Act, which prevented the issuing of paper currency to provide liquidity.[31]

From the outset, New York led the protests in the colonies. Both New York political factions opposed the Postage Human activity of 1765. In October, at what became Federal Hall in New York, representatives of several colonies met in the Stamp Human action Congress to discuss their response. The New York assembly petitioned the British House of Eatables on December 11, 1765, for the Americans' right of self tax. In August, the intimidation and beating of postage stamp agents was widely reported. The New York stamp commissioner resigned his chore.

The act went into effect on Nov 1. The twenty-four hours earlier, James De Lancey organized a meeting at Burns Tavern of New York merchants, where they agreed to boycott all British imports until the Stamp Deed was repealed. A leading moderate group opposing the Postage stamp Human action were the local Sons of Freedom headed by Isaac Sears, John Lamb and Alexander McDougall. Historian Gary B. Nash wrote of what was chosen the "General Terror of November i–4":[32]

But New York's plebeian element was not still satisfied. Going beyond the respectable leaders of the Sons of Liberty, the lower orders rampaged through the town for four days. Some two g strong, they threatened the homes of suspected sympathizers of British policy, attacked the business firm of the famously wealthy governor Cadwallader Colden, paraded his effigy effectually town, and built a monstrous bonfire in the Bowling Light-green into which the shouting crowd hurled the governor'southward luxurious 2 sleighs and horse-fatigued coach.[33]

Historian Fred Anderson contrasted the mob actions in New York with those in Boston. In Boston, after the initial unrest, local leaders such as the Loyal 9 (a precursor to the Sons of Liberty) were able to take command of the mob. In New York, all the same, the "mob was largely made up of seamen, nearly of whom lacked deep community ties and felt fiddling need to submit to the authority of the city's shorebound radical leaders." The New York Sons of Liberty did not have command of the opposition until after November 1.[34]

On November 1, the oversupply destroyed a warehouse and the house of Thomas James, commander at Fort George. A few days afterward the stamps stored at Fort George were surrendered to the mob. Nash notes that, "whether the Sons of Liberty could control the mariners, lower artisans, and laborers remained in doubt," and "they came to fearfulness the atrocious power of the assembled lower-form artisans and their maritime compatriots."[32]

On January vii, 1766, the merchant ship Polly carrying stamps for Connecticut was boarded in New York Harbor and the stamps destroyed. Up to the finish of 1765 the Postage stamp Act disturbances had largely been confined to New York City, but in January the Sons of Liberty besides stopped the distribution of stamps in Albany.

In May 1766, when news arrived of the repeal of the Stamp Act the Sons of Liberty historic past the erection of a Liberty Pole. It became a rallying betoken for mass meetings and an emblem of the American cause. In June, two regiments of British regulars arrived in New York and were quartered in the upper barracks. These troops cut downwardly the liberty pole on August 10. A second and third pole were erected and also cut downwardly. A quaternary pole was erected and encased in atomic number 26 to prevent similar activity.[ citation needed ]

In 1766, widespread tenant uprisings occurred in the countryside north of New York City centered on the Livingston estates. They marched on New York expecting the Sons of Liberty to support them. Instead, the Sons of Liberty blocked the roads and the leader of the tenants was convicted of treason.[ original inquiry? ]

Quartering Act [edit]

In the last years of the French and Indian State of war London approved a policy of keeping twenty regiments in the colonies to police force and defend the back country. The enabling legislation took the form of the Quartering Human activity which required colonial legislatures to provide quarters and supplies for the troops. The Quartering Act stirred piffling controversy and New Yorkers were ambivalent about the presence of the troops. The assembly had provided barracks and provisions every twelvemonth since 1761. The tenant riots of 1766 showed the need for a law force in the colony. The Livingston-controlled New York associates passed a quartering bill in 1766 to provide barracks and provisions in New York Metropolis and Albany which satisfied well-nigh, but not all of the requirements of the Quartering Act. London suspended the associates for failure to comply fully, and Governor Moore dissolved the Firm of Associates, Feb vi, 1768. The next calendar month New Yorkers went to the polls for a new associates. In this election, with the Sons of Liberty support, the De Lancey faction gained seats, only non enough for a majority.[35]

Townshend Acts [edit]

In 1768, a alphabetic character issued by the Massachusetts associates called for the universal boycott of British imports in opposition to the Townshend Acts. In October, the merchants of New York agreed on the status that the merchants of Boston and Philadelphia also agreed.[ commendation needed ] In December, the assembly passed a resolution which stated the colonies were entitled to cocky-tax. Governor Moore declared the resolution repugnant to the laws of England and dissolved the assembly. The De Lancey faction, again with Sons of Liberty support, won a majority in the assembly.[36]

In the bound of 1769, New York was in a depression from the recall of paper boycott and the British cold-shoulder.[ commendation needed ] By the Currency Human action New York was required to think all paper coin. London allowed the issuance of additional newspaper money, but the attached conditions were unsatisfactory.[ why? ] While New York was boycotting British imports, other colonies including Boston and Philadelphia were non. The De Lanceys tried to reach a compromise past passing a bill which allowed for the issuing of newspaper currency, of which half was for provisioning of the troops. Alexander McDougall, signed a 'Son of Liberty', issued a broadside entitled To the Betrayed Inhabitants of the Urban center and Colony of New York which was an excellent piece of political propaganda denouncing the De Lanceys for betraying the liberties of the people past acknowledging the British power of taxation.[ original inquiry? ] The Sons of Liberty switched their allegiance from the De Lanceys to the Livingstons.[ citation needed ] Alexander McDougall was arrested for libel.[37]

Conflict between the Sons of Liberty and the troops in New York erupted with the Battle of Golden Hill on January 19, 1770, where troops cut downward the fourth Liberty Pole which had been erected in 1767.[38]

In July 1770, the merchants of New York decided to resume trade with Britain when news arrived of Parliament'due south plan to repeal the Townshend Duties and to give permission for New York to result some newspaper currency. The Sons of Freedom were strongly opposed to the resumption of trade. The merchants twice polled their members and went door to door polling residents of New York and all polls were overwhelming in support of resumption of trade. This was perhaps the outset public opinion poll in American history.[39]

Tea Act [edit]

New York was peaceful later on the repeal of the Townshend Act, but the economy of New York was even so in a slump. In May 1773 the Parliament passed the Tea Human activity cutting the duty on tea and enabling the East Republic of india company to sell tea in the colonies cheaper than the smugglers could. This act primarily hurt the New York merchants and smugglers. The Sons of Liberty were the organizers of the opposition and in November 1773 they published Association of the Sons of Freedom of New York in which anyone who assisted in support of the act would exist an "enemy to the liberties of America". As a outcome, the New York E Republic of india agents resigned. The New York associates took no action in regard to the Sons of Liberty supposition of actress-legal powers.[40]

The New York Metropolis Sons of Liberty learned of Boston'southward program to finish the unloading of any tea and resolved to likewise follow this policy. Since the Association had non obtained the support they had expected, the Sons of Liberty were afraid that if the tea was landed the population would demand its distribution for retail.[41]

In December, news arrived of the Boston Tea Party strengthened opposition. In Apr 1774, The gunkhole Nancy arrived in New York harbor for repairs. The helm admitted that he had 18 chests of tea on board and he agreed that he would non attempt to have the tea landed, but the Sons of Freedom boarded the ship regardless and destroyed the tea.

Intolerable Acts [edit]

In January 1774, the Assembly created a Committee of Correspondence to stand for with other colonies in regard to the Intolerable Acts.[42]

In May 1774 news arrived of the Boston Port Act which airtight the port of Boston. The Sons of Freedom were in favor of resumption of a trade boycott with United kingdom, only at that place was stiff resistance from the large importers. In May, a meeting in New York was chosen in which members were selected for a Committee of Correspondence. The Committee of Fifty was formed which was dominated with moderates, the Sons of Liberty simply obtained 15 members. Isaac Depression was the chairman. Francis Lewis was added to create the Committee of 50-1. The group adopted a resolution which said Boston was "suffering in the defence of the rights of America" and proposed the formation of a Continental Congress. In July, the committee select five of their members every bit delegates to this congress. Some of the other counties also sent delegates to the First Continental Congress which was held in September. The New York delegates were unable to stop the adoption at the congress of the Continental Association. The clan was more often than not ignored in New York.

In Jan and February 1775, of the New York Associates voted downwardly successive resolutions approval the proceedings of the First Continental Congress and refused to send delegates to the 2d Continental Congress. New York was the only colonial assembly which did not approve the proceeds of the First Continental Congress. Opposition to the Congress revolved around the opinion that the provincial houses of assembly were the proper agencies to solicit redress for grievances. In March, the Assembly broke with the residual of the colonies and wrote a petition to London, just London rejected the petition because information technology independent claims about a lack of authority of the "parent land" to taxation colonists, "which made it incommunicable" to accept. The Assembly last met on April iii, 1775.[43]

Provincial Congress [edit]

In Apr 1775, the rebels formed the New York Provincial Congress every bit a replacement for the New York Assembly. News of the battle of Lexington and Concord reached New York on Apr 23, which stunned the city since there was a widely believed rumor that Parliament was to grant the colonies self-tax. The Sons of Liberty led past Marinus Willett bankrupt into the Arsenal at City Hall and removed 1,000 stand of arms. The armed citizens formed a voluntary corps to govern the metropolis with Isaac Sears's house the de facto seat of regime and militia headquarters. The crown-appointed New York executive council met on April 24 and concluded that "nosotros were unanimously of the stance that nosotros had no power to do annihilation."[44] The British troops in New York never left their barracks.

On October 19, 1775, Governor William Tryon was forced to leave New York for a British warship offshore, ending any appearances of British rule of the colony equally the Continental Congress ordered the abort of anyone endangering the safety of the colony. In April 1776 Tryon officially dissolved the New York assembly.[45]

New York was located in the Northern theatre of the American Revolutionary War. New York served as the launching point for the failed Invasion of Canada in 1775, the first major military functioning of the newly formed Continental Army. General George Washington took the Continental Army from Boston later the British withdrew following the Fortification of Dorchester Heights, and brought information technology to New York in 1776, correctly anticipating the British would return there. The Boxing of Saratoga in 1777 was a turning signal in the state of war. West Point on the Hudson was a strategic asset. And New York played a central role for the British in their attempt to carve up New England from the rest of the colonies.

The Fourth Provincial Congress convened in White Plains on July nine, 1776, and became known as the New York First Constitutional Convention. New York endorsed the Declaration of Independence the same mean solar day, and declared the contained state of New York.[46] New York celebrated by tearing down the statue of George III in Bowling Light-green. On July 10, 1776, the Quaternary Provincial Congress changed its name to the Convention of Representatives of the Land of New York, and "acts as legislature without an executive." While adjourned it left a Committee of Safety in charge. The New York state constitution was framed by a convention which assembled at White Plains on July 10, 1776, and after repeated adjournments and changes of venue, it concluded in Kingston, New York on Dominicus evening, April xx, 1777, when the new constitution was adopted with one dissenting vote. It had been drafted by John Jay and was not submitted to the people for ratification. Under its provisions, the governor would be elected not appointed, voting restrictions were reduced, secret ballots were introduced, and civil rights were guaranteed. On July xxx, 1777, George Clinton was inaugurated as the first Governor of New York at Kingston. On July 9, 1778, the State of New York signed the Articles of Confederation and officially became a part of the government of the United States of America, though it had been a part of the nation since information technology was declared in 1776 with signatories from New York.[47]

The province was the scene of the largest boxing of the entire war, and the showtime later on the Declaration of Independence was signed. The British recaptured the city in September 1776 in the New York and New Jersey campaign, cut downwardly the Freedom Pole in the common, and placed the province nether martial law under the command of James Robertson, though his effective authority did not extend far beyond the southern tip of Manhattan (then the extent of New York City). Tryon retained his title of governor, but with picayune power. David Mathews was Mayor for the duration of British occupation of New York until Evacuation Day in 1783. Afterwards its reoccupation, New York became the headquarters for the British ground forces in America, and the British political center of operations in Due north America. Loyalist refugees flooded into the city raising its population to 33,000. Prison ships in Wallabout Bay held a big proportion of American soldiers and sailors being held prisoner by the British, and was where more Americans died than in all of the battles of the war, combined. The British retained control of New York until Evacuation Twenty-four hour period in November 1783, which was commemorated long later on.[48]

Structure of government [edit]

The governor of New York was royally appointed. The governor selected his Executive Quango which served equally the upper house. The governor and king had veto power over the assembly'southward bills. Withal, all bills were effective until royal disapproval had occurred which could take up to a twelvemonth. During King George's War, the governor approved two assembly initiatives; that the colony'due south revenue be approved annually rather than every five years and that the assembly must corroborate the purpose of each allocation. Elections to the house of assembly were initially held whenever the governor pleased, just eventually a police force was passed requiring an election at least once every seven years. The metropolis of New York was the seat of government and where the New York provincial assembly met.[49]

Between 1692 and 1694 the governor of New York was too the governor of Pennsylvania. From 1698 to 1701 the governor was also the governor of Massachusetts and New Hampshire. From 1702 to 1738 he was also the governor of New Jersey.

Representation in the assembly in 1683 was six for Long Island, 4 for New York City, two for Kingston, two for Albany, i for each of Staten Island, Schenectady, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket and i for Pemequid on the Maine declension. In 1737, the assembly was expanded to 27 and in 1773 to 31.

Voters were required to take a £xl freehold, in improver to requirements related to historic period, sex, and religion. The £twoscore freehold requirement was oft ignored. Jews were not allowed to vote between 1737 and 1747. In rural counties slightly more than than half the males could vote. No clandestine election safeguarded the independence of the voters. The elections were held at the county boondocks, nether the supervision of the sheriff and sometimes at such short find that many of the voting population could not get to the polls. The candidates were usually at the polls and the vote was taken past a testify of hands unless this vote did not result in a clear winner.

David Osborn notes,

The ballot for an open seat in the New York associates, held on the Village Green in Eastchester, Westchester County on October 29, 1733, is one of the improve known political events in colonial America. Two hundred and lxx-five years after the competition, historians continue to cite the election to accelerate various arguments about colonial life. One recent educatee used the election to argue for the persistent importance of monarchy in the outlook of colonists, while another scholar treated the voting as an important point in the development of political sensation among New York artisans. Many writers accost the election, held at what is today St. Paul'southward Church building National Historic Site, in Mt. Vernon, as part of the story of the printer John Peter Zenger, whose acquittal in a seditious libel case in 1735 is seen as a foundation of the free printing in America. The first issue of Zenger's New York Weekly Journal carried a lengthy written report on the famous ballot, producing one of the few complete accounts of a colonial election bachelor to historians."[50]

List of Governors

See List of colonial governors of New York

List of Attorneys Full general[51]

Meet List of Attorneys General of the Province of New York

Legal profession [edit]

The British governors were upper course aristocrats not trained in the law, and felt unduly constrained past the legalistic demands of the Americans. In the menstruum from the 1680s to about 1715 numerous efforts were made to strengthen Majestic control and diminish legal constraints on the ability of the governors. Colonial lawyers fought back successfully. An important technique that developed peculiarly in Boston, Philadelphia and New York in the 1720s and 1730s was to mobilize public stance by using the new availability of weekly newspapers and print shops that produced cheap pamphlets. The lawyers used the publicity medium to disseminate ideas most American legal rights as Englishmen.[52] By the 1750s and 1760s, still, there was a counterattack ridiculing and demeaning the lawyers every bit pettifoggers. Their image and influence declined.[53]

The lawyers of colonial New York organized a bar association, only it cruel apart in 1768 during the bitter political dispute between the factions based in the Delancey and Livingston families. For the next century, various attempts were made, and failed, in New York state to build an effective arrangement of lawyers. The American Revolution saw the divergence of many leading lawyers who were Loyalists; their clientele was ofttimes tied to royal authority or British merchants and financiers. They were non allowed to practise law unless they took a loyalty oath to the new United States of America. Many went to Uk or Canada after losing the state of war.[54] Finally a Bar Clan emerged in 1869 that proved successful and continues to operate.[55]

Judiciary [edit]

The Supreme Court of Judicature of the Province of New York was established by the New York Assembly on 6 May 1691. Jurisdiction was based on the English Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer but excluded cases of disinterestedness which were dealt with by the Court of Chancery. The Supreme Court continued in being under the Constitution of 1777, becoming the New York Supreme Court under the 1846 Constitution.

Principal Justices of the Supreme Court[51]
Incumbent Tenure Notes
Took office Left part
Joseph Dudley six May 1691 1692 Removed from office by Governor
William "Tangier" Smith xi Nov 1692 21 January 1701
Abraham de Peyster 21 Jan 1701 5 August 1701
William Atwood 5 August 1701 November 1702 Removed from role past Governor
William "Tangier" Smith 9 June 1702 5 April 1703
John Bridges 5 April 1703 1704 Died 6 July 1704
Roger Mompesson fifteen July 1704 1715 Died March 1715. Besides Main Justice of New Jersey (1704–1710) and Pennsylvania (1706)
Lewis Morris 15 March 1715 1733 Removed from function by Governor
James De Lancey 1733 1760 Died thirty July 1760
Benjamin Prat October 1761 ?1763 Died 5 January 1763
Daniel Hormansden March 1763 1776 Died 28 September 1778

Demographics [edit]

Historical population
Twelvemonth Pop. ±%
1664 10,000
1670 v,754 −42.v%
1680 9,830 +70.8%
1688 twenty,000 +103.5%
1690 13,909 −30.five%
1698 xviii,067 +29.9%
1700 19,107 +5.8%
1710 21,625 +13.2%
1715 31,000 +43.4%
1720 36,919 +xix.1%
1723 40,564 +9.9%
1730 48,594 +xix.viii%
1731 50,289 +3.5%
1740 63,665 +26.six%
1749 73,448 +15.four%
1750 76,696 +4.4%
1756 96,775 +26.2%
1760 117,138 +21.0%
1770 162,920 +39.i%
1771 168,017 +3.1%
1780 210,541 +25.3%
Source: 1664–1760;[56] [57] 1771[58] 1770–1780[59]

Upstate New York (as well as parts of present Ontario, Quebec, Pennsylvania and Ohio) were occupied past the Five Nations (after 1720 condign Six Nations, when joined by Tuscarora) of the Iroquois Confederacy for at least a half millennium earlier the Europeans came.

  • In 1664, one-quarter of the population of New York was African American.
  • In 1690, the population of the province was xx,000, of which vi,000 were in New York.
  • In 1698, the population of the province was 18,607. 14% of the population of New York was black.
  • The slave population grew after Queen Anne's war. The percentage of blacks in New York in 1731 and 1746 was xviii% and 21% respectively.
  • In 1756, the population of the province was near 100,000 of which most 14,000 were blacks. Nearly of the blacks in New York at this fourth dimension were slaves.

Economy [edit]

The fur merchandise established under Dutch dominion connected to grow. Equally the merchant port of New York became more important, the economy expanded and diversified, and the agricultural areas of Long Island and the regions further up the Hudson River developed.[threescore] Fishermen also fabricated a decent living because New York was next to the ocean, making it a port/line-fishing state. Inland, farming crops made farmers a lot of money in the colony. Tradesmen made a fortune selling their wares.

References [edit]

  1. ^ "James, Duke of York". Historical Order of the New York Courts . Retrieved March fourteen, 2021.
  2. ^ Schecter, Barnet. The Battle for New York: The City at the Heart of the American Revolution. Walker & Company. New York. October 2002. ISBN 0-8027-1374-2.
  3. ^ McCullough, David. 1776. Simon & Schuster. New York. May 24, 2005. ISBN 978-0-7432-2671-4.
  4. ^ a b c Smith, William. The history of the province of New-York, 1757
  5. ^ a b c Lincoln. Charles Zebina, Johnson, William H., and Northrup, Ansel Judd. The Colonial Laws of New York from the Year 1664 to the Revolution, J.B. Lyon, 1894
  6. ^ Turner, Jean-Rae and Richard T. Koles (August 27, 2003). Elizabeth: Showtime Majuscule of New Jersey. Arcadia Publishing. p. xi. ISBN0738523933.
  7. ^ The province was likewise called "the Province of New Caesaria or New Bailiwick of jersey". See: Philip Carteret.
  8. ^ Rieff, Henry, "Interpretations of New York-New Jersey Agreements 1834 and 1921" (PDF), Newark Law Review, 1 (2), archived from the original (PDF) on May six, 2006
  9. ^ "Land Speculation and Proprietary Beginnings of New Bailiwick of jersey" (PDF). The Abet. New Jersey Land Title Association. XVI (4): 3, 20, 14. Retrieved April 15, 2010.
  10. ^ "Timeline". New York State Senate. February 13, 2009. Retrieved May xvi, 2017.
  11. ^ Kammen, p. 86.
  12. ^ Dunlap, William. History of New Netherlands, Province of New York, and State of New York, Vol.one, Carter & Thorp, New York, 1839
  13. ^ Countryman, Edward (2003). The American Revolution (Revised ed.). Farrar, Straus & Giroux. p. 10. ISBN9781429931311.
  14. ^ Robert A Emery, "Chapter 33: New York Pre-Statehood Legal Enquiry Materials" in Prestatehood Legal Materials: A L-Country Inquiry Guide (Vol. 1, A-M), eds. Michael Chiorazzi & Marguerite Virtually (Routledge, 2013).
  15. ^ Graham Russell Hodges, Root and Branch: African Americans in New York and East Bailiwick of jersey, 1613–1863 (2005).
  16. ^ Peter Charles Hoffer, The Groovy New York Conspiracy of 1741: Slavery, Crime, and Colonial Constabulary (2003).
  17. ^ "African Burying Basis" Archived November fourteen, 2010, at the Wayback Machine, General Services Administration. Retrieved April 9, 2009.
  18. ^ Blackburn, Roderic H.; Piwonka, Ruth (1988). Remembrance of Patria: Dutch Arts and Civilisation in Colonial America, 1609–1776. SUNY Printing. ISBN9780939072064.
  19. ^ Thomas Southward. Wermuth, Rip Van Winkle'due south Neighbors: The Transformation of Rural Society in the Hudson River Valley, 1720–1850 (2001).
  20. ^ Jacob Ernest Cooke, ed. Encyclopedia of the Northward American colonies (iii vol. 1993), highly detailed coverage of the Dutch colonists.
  21. ^ A. 1000. Roeber "Dutch colonists cope with English language control" in Bernard Bailyn, and Philip D. Morgan, eds. Strangers within the realm: cultural margins of the first British Empire (1991) pp. 222–36.
  22. ^ Randall Balmer, A Perfect Boom-boom of Defoliation: Dutch Organized religion and English Culture in the Middle Colonies (2002).
  23. ^ Philip Otterness, Becoming German: The 1709 Palatine Migration to New York (2004)
  24. ^ Nash (1986), p. 109.
  25. ^ Nash (1986), p. 110.
  26. ^ Ian Grand. Steele, Betrayals: Fort William Henry and the Massacre (1990).
  27. ^ Nash (1986) p. 151.
  28. ^ Michael J. Mullin, "Personal Politics: William Johnson and the Mohawks." American Indian Quarterly 17#3 (1993): 350–358.
  29. ^ Carl Lotus Becker, The history of political parties in the province of New York, 1760–1776 (1909) pp. 5–22.
  30. ^ Nash (1986), p. 184.
  31. ^ Becker, The history of political parties in the province of New York, 1760–1776 (1909) pp. 23–52.
  32. ^ a b Nash (2005) p. 55.
  33. ^ Nash (2005) p. 54. Nash (p. 58) too wrote, "In New York City ... the Postage stamp Human action demonstrators were led at first by men higher upward on the social gild – send captains, master craftsmen, and fifty-fifty lawyers, but then escaped their control."
  34. ^ Anderson pp. 678–679.
  35. ^ Michael Thousand. Kammen, Colonial New York: A History (1975) pp. 329–56.
  36. ^ Roger Champagne, "Family unit Politics versus Constitutional Principles: The New York Associates Elections of 1768 and 1769." William and Mary Quarterly (1963): 57–79. in JSTOR
  37. ^ Milton M. Klein, "Republic and Politics in Colonial New York." New York History twoscore#3 (1959): 221–246. in JSTOR
  38. ^ Becker, The history of political parties in the province of New York, 1760–1776 (1909) pp. 53–94.
  39. ^ Nash (1986), p. 234.
  40. ^ Becker, The history of political parties in the province of New York, 1760–1776 (1909) pp. 95–111.
  41. ^ Launitz-Schurer, p. 103.
  42. ^ Becker, The history of political parties in the province of New York, 1760–1776 (1909) pp. 113–57.
  43. ^ Edward Countryman, "Consolidating Ability in Revolutionary America: The Instance of New York, 1775–1783." Journal of Interdisciplinary History vi.4 (1976): 645–677. in JSTOR
  44. ^ Launitz-Schurer, p. 158.
  45. ^ Becker, The history of political parties in the province of New York, 1760–1776 (1909) pp 159-73.
  46. ^ "Annunciation of Independence". world wide web.history.com. Archived from the original on Apr nine, 2008. Retrieved April 10, 2008.
  47. ^ Edward Countryman, A People in Revolution: The American Revolution and Political Society in New York, 1760–1790 (1981).
  48. ^ Countryman, A People in Revolution: The American Revolution and Political Society in New York, 1760–1790 (1981).
  49. ^ Becker, The history of political parties in the province of New York, 1760–1776 (1909) pp. five–22.
  50. ^ Osborn, David. "A Meddling Royal Official: Turnout at a Famous Colonial Election in Westchester County in 1733" (PDF). National Park Service. p. 1.
  51. ^ a b "The Supreme Courtroom of the Province of New York 1674–1776 -= Jacob Milborne". Historical Society of the New York Courts. Archived from the original on October vi, 2015. Retrieved October v, 2015.
  52. ^ Gregory Afinogenov, "Lawyers and Politics in Eighteenth-Century New York." New York History 89.two (2008): 142-162. online
  53. ^ Luke J. Feder, "'No Lawyer in the Associates!": Graphic symbol Politics and the Election of 1768 in New York Urban center." New York History 95.2 (2014): 154-171. online
  54. ^ Anton-Hermann Chroust, The rise of the legal profession in America (1965) vol 2:3-11
  55. ^ Albert P. Blaustein, "New York Bar Associations Prior to 1870." American Journal of Legal History 12.one (1968): l-57. online
  56. ^ Purvis, Thomas L. (1999). Balkin, Richard (ed.). Colonial America to 1763. New York: Facts on File. pp. 128–129. ISBN978-0816025275.
  57. ^ Greene, Evarts Boutelle et al., American Population before the Federal Census of 1790, 1993, ISBN 0-8063-1377-3.
  58. ^ Purvis, Thomas L. (1995). Balkin, Richard (ed.). Revolutionary America 1763 to 1800. New York: Facts on File. p. 151. ISBN978-0816025282.
  59. ^ "Colonial and Pre-Federal Statistics" (PDF). United States Demography Bureau. p. 1168.
  60. ^ Michael Yard. Kammen, Colonial New York: A History (1975) ch ii, 7, 12.

Further reading [edit]

  • Anderson, Fred. Crucible of War (2000). ISBN 0-375-70636-iv.
  • Becker, Carl Lotus. The history of political parties in the province of New York, 1760–1776 (1909).
  • Bonomi, Patricia U. A Factious People: Politics and Gild in Colonial New York. New York: Columbia University Press, 1971.
  • Brandt, Clare. An American Aristocracy: The Livingstons (1986).
  • Bridenbaugh, Carl. Cities in the Wilderness-The First Century of Urban Life in America 1625–1742 (1938). New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Chareleston.
  • Bridenbaugh, Carl. Cities in defection: urban life in America, 1743–1776 (1955).
  • Countryman, Edward. A People in Revolution: The American Revolution and Political Order in New York, 1760–1790 (1981).
  • Doyle, John Andrew. English Colonies in America: Volume IV The Eye Colonies (1907) online ch 1–half dozen.
  • Fogleman, Aaron. Hopeful Journeys: German language Clearing, Settlement, and Political Culture in Colonial America, 1717–1775 (Academy of Pennsylvania Press, 1996) online
  • Hodges, Graham Russell Gao. Root and Co-operative: African Americans in New York and East Jersey, 1613–1863 (2005).
  • Jacobs, Jaap, and L. H. Roper, eds. The Worlds of the Seventeenth-Century Hudson Valley (State Academy of New York Press, 2014). xii, 265 pp.
  • Kammen, Michael. Colonial New York: A History (1975).
  • Ketchum, Richard, Divided Loyalties, How the American Revolution Came to New York, 2002, ISBN 0-8050-6120-7.
  • Launitz-Schurer, Leopold, Loyal Whigs and Revolutionaries, The making of the revolution in New York, 1765–1776, 1980, ISBN 0-8147-4994-ane.
  • McGregor, Robert Kuhn. "Cultural Adaptation in Colonial New York: The Palatine Germans of the Mohawk Valley." New York History 69.one (1988): 5.
  • Nash, Gary, The Urban Crucible, The Northern Seaports and the Origins of the American Revolution, 1986, ISBN 0-674-93058-four.
  • Nash, Gary, The Unknown American Revolution. 2005, ISBN 0-670-03420-vii.
  • Otterness, Philip. Becoming German: The 1709 Palatine Migration to New York (2004)
  • Schecter, Barnet. The Battle for New York: The City at the Eye of the American Revolution. Pimlico, 2003. ISBN 0-7126-3648-10.

External links [edit]

  • Grant to the Lords Proprietors, Sir George Carteret, July 29, 1674
  • Duke of York's Confirmation to the 24 Proprietors: March 14, 1682
  • The King's Letter of the alphabet Recognizing the Proprietors' Right to the Soil and Government 1683
  • Constitution of New York Province, 1683
  • Association of the Sons of Liberty in New York, December 15, 1773
  • 1776 map of Province of New York
  • Colonial New York Genealogy & History


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Province_of_New_York

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