Funny Baby Memes Back in the Old Days

Funny Baby Memes – because laughing is so much better than crying!

Mamas, I am thinking about you this morning. A friend who I had babies with recently had a new baby. Seeing her photo this morning on Facebook hit me hard in a few different ways.

Funny Baby Memes

Babies make my ovaries explode. I loved being pregnant, the baby stage and all that motherhood has to offer. The good, bad, ugly – it all makes for an amazing adventure.

baby memes funny
best baby memes for new parents

Four kids means four times I've had babies and oh how I miss them. These funny baby memes bring back so many memories. From the crying baby meme to funny pictures of babies, enjoy these funny memes about babies.

funny bad mom meme quokkas toss their babies at predators so they can escape
funny bad mom meme

I am a big fan of laughing thru the hard times. Oh, I cry too – but try to leave that for the shower.

baby meme about ovaries
baby meme – that kid is so cute its making my ovaries saliva

These funny baby memes will do just that. Humor through relatability is gold! SO, give that mama that you know a free gift by sharing this post of funny baby memes with her. Another newborn gift idea would be to figure out how to make Alexa do all of these parenting baby commands, like this one.

feed baby bottle alexa meme
feed baby bottle alexa meme

Okay, this totally makes me want to have another kid. Eyebrows on babies should be a requirement.

baby eyebrows meme

When you are reborn and start seeing the people that owed you money from your previous life. Also can we just pause and all agree that babies are not cute when they are first born. I am not saying they aren't precious little miracles, Karen. What I am saying is that an ugly baby is not uncommon at birth, ugly baby meme to prove it.

past life baby meme
funny baby meme

Baby with Teeth Meme

Or hey, we are big fans of dads too – so share this post and make their day!

baby teeth meme
baby with teeth meme – why babies are born without teeth

Can we just give praise hands that babies aren't born with a full set of teeth. Though I do have a cousin who was born with a tooth or two! Baby born with teeth? No worries, it's normal for babies to have teeth at birth.

Baby Teething Memes

Speaking of baby born with teeth, even if your had all gums, eventually newborns grow teeth. Let me tell you, teething and nursing – yikes.

baby teething meme - shark when your nursing baby is teething
baby teething meme

Breastfeeding a teething baby be like.

breastfeed teeth baby
breastfeeding meme about baby teething

Fat Baby Memes

Out of 4 kids, only had 1 fat baby but sure do love these funny fat baby memesIf you are a parent that needs a good laugh – or better yet… one of the best FREE gifts you can give a new mom (or really ANY mom!) is the gift of a giggle, smile or laugh.

fat baby thighs meme - if one more person asks if i sell tire

Fat baby meme- thighs are the best.

Baby Fart Meme

OH SHART! That baby fart meme, when you realize that the baby's fart was actually a shart.

funny baby fart meme
funny baby fart meme – when the fart is a shart

Baby with Teeth Meme

Or hey, we are big fans of dads too – so share this post and make their day!

baby teeth meme
baby with teeth meme – why babies are born without teeth

Can we just give praise hands that babies aren't born with a full set of teeth. Though I do have a cousin who was born with a tooth or two! Baby born with teeth? No worries, it's normal for babies to have teeth at birth.

Crying Baby Memes

All babies cry and so do mamas. These cry baby memes are funny enough to make you laugh cry!

baby crying alexa meme make the baby stop crying
baby crying alexa meme

This dad totally nailed it in this crying baby meme.

crying baby meme
crying baby meme – parenting creativity at its best

A crying baby is the best form of birth control. You might not be a parent of a teenager yet, but if you are – remember this useful but funny baby birth control quote.

funny birth control meme a crying baby is the best form of birth control
funny birth control meme baby

It's okay kid – cry it out now because when you are older society sucks and looks down on crying.

cry baby meme funny
cry baby meme – when crying gets you what you want own it

BUT your generation can change this, kid! This baby crying meme brings back the noise of having a colicky infant.

baby crying meme - its okay buddy when you grow up you can learn to cry on the inside
baby crying meme – its okay buddy when you grow up you can learn to cry on the inside

Maybe this is why babies cry. No baby making for mom and dad with a screaming infant!

cry baby meme funny - crying baby meme - scientists have found that babies sometimes cry at night to prevent their parents from making another baby.
crying baby meme – scientists have found that babies sometimes cry at night to prevent their parents from making another baby.

Crybaby Memes

These crybaby memes, oh the sweet faces, tears and that dreaded sound!

crybaby meme
crybaby meme

Feeling kinda cute, might wait until 3am to cry.

Let the dog just lick him! This crybaby meme just makes me want to rock this sweet face.

cry baby meme - we wouldn't let him lick the dog
crybaby meme – we wouldn't let him lick the dog

More Memes about Baby Crying

The tears continue with these baby crying memes. This one took me 4 kids to understand that because the baby is crying, it doesn't mean that the kid hates me. Also though, this is an actual photo of my husband asleep while the baby is crying.

crying baby meme husband sleeping
crying baby meme

It just means that they can't talk so they cry and that there is something they need.

baby crying meme - im not crying because i hate you i am crying because i cant talk
funny baby crying meme

Yes, sometimes that means they want food, diaper change or just to be loved. This world is scary, love that baby big time because omg they grow so fast.

crying baby meme 2022
baby cry meme

Dad just doesn't have the right feeding equipment installed.

breastfeeding baby meme
funny crying baby meme

Newborn babies be like…

funny crying meme baby - when you were just born and everyone around you thinks your cry is so cute just wait
funny baby crying meme

When you were just born and everyone around you thinks your cry is so cute just wait.

First Time Parent Memes

First time parents, fear not – it gets better. Then you have another kid, then another and then YET another (don't ask how I know!) – and you don't even remember life without kids! Enjoy these first time memes.

first time parent meme funny at the hospital
first time parent meme funny at the hospital

Seriously, I think the third baby is when you are like WHATEVER. And for your parents that have more experience, check out these parenting memes.

You are only a first time parent once. After that, you have NO excuse.

first time parents meme thoughts and prayers
Funny first time parents meme

First Time Mom Meme

First time mom meme for those of us moms who were expecting a Beyonce moment but then reality kicked us in the butt with what motherhood really is.

first time mom meme beyonce expectation vs reality
first time mom meme

I mean it's beautiful but it ain't Beyonce photoshoot beautiful.

Ugly Baby Memes

Speaking of first time parents, yes your baby is ugly. I said it and so do these ugly baby memes.

ugly baby meme
ugly baby meme

No baby comes out adorable all covered in goo and amniotic stuff. But they do get cute, but as these ugly baby memes explain, it's okay to pretend your baby is cute.

first time parents meme - moms with their first born baby be like
first time parents meme – ugly baby meme – funny pictures of babies

Tell me that this baby is cute. Nope, ugly baby but don't worry they get cuter! Just give them a few hours, few days – some take a few years.

baby ugly meme
we were all ugly babies meme

Baby Boob Memes

Baby boob memes because any mom that's given birth knows the struggle is real. Even for those of us who didn't breastfeed – post-baby boobs yall.

pre baby boob meme
baby boob meme

Boobs for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

boobs for dinner

Breastfeeding Memes

For the mamas who are nursing while googling breastfeeding memes, these are for you. Cheers to you to finding the humor while supplying your baby with some mommy milk magic.

Breastfeeding 101.

breastfeeding meme funny - insert boob here
breastfeeding meme funny – insert boob here

When you JUST fed the baby and you have no more breast milk to give. If only Alexa could nurse.

baby breastfeeding alexa meme alexa breast feed the baby
baby breastfeeding alexa meme

When the kid wants a boob, the kid wants a boob.

boob now breasfeeding meme baby
breastfeeding meme – feed me

Alright nursing mamas – more breastfeeding memes are just for you.  (Don't miss our mom memes!)

Online shopping and breastfeeding go hand-in-hand, right?

breastfeeding meme you claimed breastfeeding would save money - your online shopping while nursing determines that was a lie
breastfeeding meme you claimed breastfeeding would save money – your online shopping while nursing determines that was a lie

Mama was trying to get a spray tan, but apparently the baby needed to eat before the boobs were clean!

breastfeeding spray tan meme
breastfeeding and spray tan meme

Creative dads are the best, especially when it comes to breastfeeding.

creative dad

Dad, you were totally busted.

baby breastfeeding meme

Baby Sleeping Memes

Let's face it. Sleep after baby just isn't the same as sleep before baby. It gets better. Yes, it may take 8 years – but eventually babies do clock out. Here are baby sleeping memes.

baby sleep meme that moment you make direct eye contact with a baby you thought was asleep
baby sleep meme

Do as the baby sleeping meme says. Never make eye contact with a child on the verge of falling asleep. They will sense your excitement and abort mission.

eye contact baby meme - Never make eye contact with a child on the verge of falling asleep. They will sense your excitement and abort mission.
sleeping baby memes

Baby can sleep thru anything, except mom closing her eyes. Let the mom sleep!

baby sleeping meme
sleeping baby meme

How long did you wait to move your baby from your room to their nursery? We spend so much time and money on this baby nursery and then they don't even sleep there! Isn't that just the funniest. Too soon? (Remember, it's been 8 years for me!

I cant now laugh! We bought a new house thinking the kid needed his own room. He slept with us until he was a toddler than he insisted on sharing a room.)

baby sleeping meme
sleeping with a baby meme

Or let mom sneak away to Target for a sanity break.

baby sleep meme

New Baby Memes for Moms

Those first few days with a newborn are so precious, challenging, scary, but oh so lovely. If you have a newborn, soak it all in – every single second. And then exhale and let someone help you!

Labor y'all. Do I really need to say more?

long labor newborn memes
newborn meme – new baby memes for moms

When baby wants to just go back to the womb.

put me back - new baby memes for moms
New Baby Memes for Moms – put me back, this baby's face says it all.

I so love those first few days with a newborn when they are learning all the things – like what are these things – oh HANDS! And that baby smell, oh I love new baby smell before the world contaminates them.

newborn baby meme

Baby Poop Memes

You guys, my kid did this – but with poop and on more than one occasion. It was not pretty and it was very smelly.

Gotta love those "surprises" from babes!

baby poop
baby poop meme

That's right a baby playing with poop could be in your future. Welcome to parenting.

quiet baby meme

Pee all you want kid, just make sure you have a diaper on.

im gonna pee funny baby meme
funny baby meme – he is going to wet his diaper

Diaper Memes

Should I wear a diaper today or a diaper?

baby diaper meme
baby diaper meme

Alexa, change the baby's diaper. Did it work?

change diaper baby alexa meme
change diaper baby alexa meme

Why would a baby wait until after you are changing their diaper when they can just poop when you are changing their diaper?

baby poop diaper meme why wait until after when you can baby poop while changing diaper
baby poop diaper meme

I Want a Baby Memes

When you want a baby – send him a I want a baby meme. This is exactly how he wants to hear about this news.

i want a baby meme
I want your baby

I Want a Baby Challenge

Have you seen the I Want a Baby Challenge?

i want a baby challenge meme
i want a baby challenge meme

Text your spouse, lover, special friend or whoever will freak a text message that simply says this. "I want a baby."

i want a baby challenge meme screen shot

Now screen shot their reply.

i want a baby challenge meme funny

Shock and awe.

i want a baby reply meme

Or did you get a sincere reply to your desire to have a baby.

funny want a baby challenge meme
i want a baby screenshot

More Funny Baby Memes

Can't stop, won't stop with the baby memes. These precious years that I know some of you will cry hearing that because its tough. Babies do grow up and way too fast!

baby reacts to grass
funny baby meme

Baby knows whats up with peek-a-boo.

funny baby meme peekaboo
baby peek a boo meme

The funny baby memes continues! These hilarious baby photos with captions just kill me.

we meet again

Oh girl. Baby bath time fun.

triplet baby planned

Smart kid. That wasn't really an airplane.

that wasnt an airplane baby meme

There you have it. The most hilarious and funny baby memes on the internet. Don't miss our complete collection of funny memes.

Memes are meant for sharing. We just ask that you tag us on social @digitalmomblog or link back to this post or link back to That said, PLEASE share away!

This post will hit home with so many parents. With as much chaos there is in the world today, getting a funny meme from a friend reminds me that sometimes we just need to laugh. Now that is done, let's get on with the memes!

And when you are done with the baby stages, we have funny toddler memes. They maybe the only thing funny about the toddler years!

As we always say, funny memes are for sharing! We share memes often and hope that these funny baby memes bring a smile to your face. Please share away, we do appreciate a tag on social media if you do share one of our memes about babies.

Tag us on social at @digitalmomblog on Facebook or @digitalmomblog_com on Instagram! And follow along for some more funny!

Trending Memes

Have you ever met someone whose love language is memes? Well, hi – we here at Digital Mom Blog are those people. If you too have a love for the funny, enjoy and share these funny memes.

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Baby Memes is a part of the Digital Mom Blog series of Funny Memes


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