Is There a Flat File Limit to Upload in Tableau

In this Tableau Information Connections tutorial, you will learn nearly unlike information sources or data connections in Tableau.

  • Tableau Connecting to Various Information Sources
  • Connecting to Text File in Tableau
  • Connecting to Excel File in Tableau
  • Connection to Database
  • Connection to Websites
  • How to Connect Tableau Desktop to Tableau Server
  • Information Human relationship
  • Data Sorting
  • Replacing Data Source

Tableau Connecting to Various Data Sources

Tableau tin can connect to diverse types of information sources. It can connect to text files, excel files, PDF files, etc. It can likewise connect to various databases using its ODBC connector. Tableau has the capability to connect to servers and spider web connectors. In this Tableau data connections tutorial, we will larn nearly the connection procedures from diverse Tableau data sources using data connections in Tableau.

Following screenshot gives the exhaustive connection types Tableau supports

Connecting to Text File in Tableau

Stride 1) Click on the "Text File" option given in the information tab.

Step 2) In the next screen,

1. Select the SuperStore.csv

2. Click on "Open" Pick. This will connect the text file into Tableau.

In the left pane y'all will see the CSV file.

Connecting to Excel File in Tableau

Step 1) Click on the "Microsoft Excel" option given in the information tab.

Footstep two) In the next screen,

  1. Select the SuperStore.xlxs
  2. Click on "Open" Pick.

Pace iii) It connects the excel file into Tableau. The sheets present in the excel file is shown on the left side of the window.

Connection to Database

Footstep 1) Click on the required database connection given in the data tab. For example, if you want to connect to MySQL database, click on the "MySQL" Option.

Step 2) This will open MySQL connection window.

  1. You can enter the MySQL server name and edit the "Port" if needed.
  2. Enter the username and countersign used to connect the database.
  3. Click on the "Sign in" push to connect to the database.

This procedure connects the database into the Tableau. You can select the tables from the database and import information technology into Tableau. You can bring together multiple tables by creating a human relationship between them.

Connection to Websites

Tableau can connect to websites using Tableau data connectors. The connection process is given as follows.

Footstep 1) In this window,

  1. Click on "More" option in the data tab.
  2. Select "Web Data Connector" from the listing.

Stride 2) This volition open a Tableau Web Information Connector window where you need to enter the web connector details.

How to Connect Tableau Desktop to Tableau Server

Tableau Server can store extracted data sources and information connections in Tableau. In enterprise level, it is important to keep all the required data connections in Tableau Server. Information technology helps all the users of the enterprise to connect to the data source easily. The information sets in the Tableau Server can connect to Tableau Desktop past following the given procedures.

Step i) Choose Tableau Server from options

Select the "Tableau Server" option given in the data tab.

Stride two) Open up the Tableau server

This opens the Tableau Server Sign in window. Click on 'Tableau Online' option.

Stride 3) Sign in

It opens Tableau Online Sign In Window.

  1. Enter the registered email id and countersign.
  2. Click on 'Sign In' push button.

Step 4) Establish a connection

This will connect Tableau Server into Tableau Desktop.

  1. Select the data set as shown in the effigy.
  2. This will import the dataset into Tableau.

Data Relationship

A relational Database/Excel file consists of multiple Tables/sheets. These multiple tables/sheets can be connected to each other in Tableau. This connectedness is established past 'Join' or 'Union' characteristic present in Tableau. The relationship betwixt information in two or more tables needs to exist specified while joining tables.


Tableau tin can "join" tables. It can join upward to 32 tables in a data source. While joining, the relationship betwixt two or more tables can be specified. The tables present in the information source can be related to each other using the joins such as inner bring together, left join, correct join and outer join. The functionalities of Join types are explained in the table below,

Inner Join Left Bring together Correct Join Outer Join
It joins all the common records between two tables or sheets. The joining condition can be given based on the primary central. One or more than joining conditions can be specified to join the tables. Many tables can be joined together in Tableau for visualization. A left join is used to join all the records from a left table and common records from the right tabular array. 1 or more than join conditions tin be specified to left join two different tables. A right join is used to join all the records from a correct tabular array and common records from left table. Based on the requirements, ane or more than joining condition can exist fix. An Outer join is used to join all the records from both left and right tabular array. Joining conditions tin exist fix to join common records.

Allow's see an example of Join

Step 1) Once an Excel is connected, Drag the required sheet into data window as shown in the effigy.

Step 2) You tin can connect multiple sheets by dragging the sheets into the data window. The relationship between the sheets can exist given by connecting the data fields.

Step three) In the data canvas

  1. Click on the "Bring together" option equally shown in the figure. By default, Tableau joins two tables by connecting a human relationship between common column present in information technology.
  2. You can edit the relationship by selecting the required joining Status.
  3. Y'all can add one or more data relationship betwixt the sheets or tables.

Spousal relationship

Union is used to append the data from 2 or more than tables. In almost of the cases, tables with same headers are appending together using union function. Joining conditions are not required while matrimony two or more tables. The process to union tables are given every bit follows.

Step i) Drag any of the canvas into information window as shown in the figure.

Step 2) Correct click on the sheet and select "Covert to Union" selection.

Footstep three) In the data spousal relationship window.

  1. Drag other sheets which need to be union.
  2. Click on 'OK' to append or union all the sheets present in the window.

A data relationship is non needed to union sheets nowadays in the data source.

Data Sorting

Data present in the data source can be sorted based on the user requirement. It tin can exist sorted using data source social club, ascending, descending, ascending per table and descending per table.

In one case the data is connected to Tableau, data sorting can exist done using the "Sort Fields" option. The selection is nowadays in the "Information Source" tab.

Replacing Information Source

Tableau can connect multiple data sources in a unmarried workbook. The dissimilar Data Sources in Tableau can be used to build various sheets and dashboards. In some cases, data sources need to exist replaced with updated file. Tableau has a data source replacing feature which can supervene upon data sources. This feature does not affect the already congenital visualizations using the one-time data source. It is important to keep or supplant all the used dimensions and measures while replacing the information source.

The data source connected in Tableau can exist replaced with another data source. The procedure for replacing data source is given as follows.

Step ii)

  1. Select the Data Source to be replaced.
  2. Right-click on the data source and select "Supercede Data Source" option.

Step 3) It opens the data source replacement window.

one. Select the current

2. Select replacement information source.

3. Click on "OK" to supersede the data source.


  • Tableau tin can connect to various data sources similar Excel, databases, and websites.
  • Information technology tin join various sheets or tables present in Tableau information sources.
  • The joining conditions used in Tableau are an inner join, right join, left join and outer join.
  • Tableau tin can connect and join various sheets present in an excel file.
  • The database can be connected to Tableau by connecting the database server.
  • Tableau can connect websites by using web connector.
  • Data sorting is available in the Tableau'southward data source Tab.
  • Tableau Server can be connected to Tableau Desktop.


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